Thursday, May 27, 2010

Monthly Newsletters from Ritter and Ramsey

Ritter and Ramsey General and Cosmetic dentistry are committed to providing the latest information on dentistry to our patients. To this end, we have created a monthly newsletter sent electronically to our patients. The information is all about the latest technologies and treatments we can offer at our state of the art facility. Take a look at our most recent newsletter on Lava COS, Vizilite and Oraverse.

Monday, May 17, 2010

Patients Love it at Ritter and Ramsey General and Cosmetic Dentistry

Here at Ritter and Ramsey General and cosmetic Dentistry it is very important to us that our patients have the best dental experience possible. to that end, utilizing Dental Sesame, a dental online site, we can track, monitor and gain valuable feedback on our office, team members, doctors and services. Here is an actual sample of a recent patients feedback. The patient went to our online site,, went to the patient section, entered into their account and filled out a brief survey. It is by using this as a gauge to where our service level is that we can gain insight into our office. We encourage our patients to fill out the survey.

1. Overall, how would you rate your experience at our office?
Exceeded my expectations

2. Based on your experience, would you recommend us to a family member or friend?
Definitely yes

3. How would you rate how you were treated on the phone?
Exceeded my expectations

4. How would you rate how you were treated when you arrived/checked in?
Friendly & professional

5. Did we see you within a reasonable proximity of your appointment time?

6. Please rate how well we explained your current condition and any recommended treatment.
Met my expectations

7. Did we answer your questions satisfactorily?

8. Please rate how well we explained proposed treatment costs and financial options.
Met my expectations

9. If treatment was recommended, do you plan on scheduling it with us in the next 30 days?

10. Have you scheduled your next appointment?

11. If not, may we call you to schedule?

12. Is there anyone you would like to recognize for outstanding or less-than-outstanding service?
Each member of the staff that I have ever had any contact with continually amaze me with their outstanding customer service and professionalism.

Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Effective Tooth Whitening at Ritter and Ramsey Cosmetic Dentistry

Here at Ritter and Ramsey General and Cosmetic Dentistry the easiest most effective way to change your smile is to Whiten your teeth. in the past, this technique was called bleaching. This inferred the use of harmful chemicals that would permanently effect your enamel or outer layer of your tooth. This is so not the case. Whitening has been proven safe and effective from clinical studies over the last decade. The best, most cost effective method of whitening your teeth are custom trays to fit over your teeth with take home syringes of material. The material that we use and has been shown to promote awesome results is Night White from Discus Dental. Tooth whitening works well if you have to prerequisites, first, you have to have your own teeth. unfortunately, whitening does not work on crowns, second you cannot whiten teeth that have so called "bondings" or composites which are plastic fillings on your teeth. If you have your own teeth and you feel that they are slightly yellow, dingy or tired looking, and you would like to see an improvement in the brightness of your smile, give us a call and see if Take home Whitening is for you.